24 September 2006

Research on Cultural Diversity strategies from Scotland

Here's an example of research on Cultural Diversity strategies. This comes from the Scotland Arts Council, and offers interesting insights.

The Scottish Arts Council's Cultural Diversity Strategy, Cultural Diversity Strategy 2002-07 http://www.scottisharts.org.uk/resources/publications/Strategies/Pdf/STR7%20Cultural%20Diversity%20Strategy%202002-07.pdf

The Scottish Arts Council's Cultural Diversity Strategy sets out the approach towards developing and promoting creativity, the arts and other cultural activity in Scotland.

There's a lot of good learning here. Worth noting: as with all strategy, things change fast. As with all identity, it is in ongoing flux. Becoming attached to created structures or definitions is inappropriate when it comes to cultural diversity initiatives. Working the plan is good, obeying the plan is lousy. This makes me see the strategy in a different way, a more considered way.

- R

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